Friday, 18 September 2020

Food innovation

This subject of Food innovation seems to have caught my attention.  Knowing I have a love for business (that is, creating a life you love, not having a million pound business that creates lots of stress) and also for food, I can see a way forward for me as a nutritional scientist.

Allergy testing is something which I currently offer as a service across the globe via the internet.  I love it of course.
Knowing how much food allergies have changed my life, I am passionate beyond words about sharing this with others. Hmm, got me thinking once again...

Friday, 4 September 2020

I'm single

I didn't mention this on here before.

I'm single.

It's hard and it's easy.  Life is easier but I miss him.  My best friend.
I'm not looking to replace him and I didn't think this was the place to talk about it. Yet reading through a past email I mentioned him.  so, the update is, we are now just friends...

Enough about that...