Saturday, 23 October 2021

Life has changed dramatically.

Ok, I can say this as you guys are 3 years off in the future.

Things are different now.

I am different.  Youtube viewers have tapped me on the shoulder on this trip and said HI. Lots of them.
Men have handed me their numbers and want to take me out. Some (one) did more than that and it's changed me.  At the time this was something crazy that I wasn't sure about but with hindsight and a few days of getting my head around it i have realised how much my life is changing and opening up.
Now I'm a writer.  I have written 10,000 words on this trip. Loved it on the sunbed each morning.

My youtube is going to be getting more focus now.
My body is going to be kept more well. MY human body is going to have more love.  I'm going to start dating. After closing my heart off for so long.

Mum and I are kind of where we are. We will never be close.  I know this. She has pushed my buttons on this trip.

I'm happy and excited for life.

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