Monday, 25 September 2017

First day excitement

5am and I'm awake.

Not nerves or excitement but that's just me, being awake early.
Having been on Amitriptyline for nerve pain due to my slipped discs (the tablets didn't work by the way) I found I was having trouble waking in the mornings. Yet since I stopped I wake and I'm like BOOM! Wide awake.  So I'm here, writing a blog to you guys when I can still see the moon in the sky.

Like most of us, I kind of always struggle to prioritise.  Like, I love writing here and on my other blogs yet I also need to edit some videos, get a look at what the day has in store, maybe eat something and possibly do a little house work/walk the dog?

This is definitely something I need to get over.  I do achieve a lot yet for me, I always want more and must work harder on living in the NOW.  It's important, I know that as well as anyone.  However, just for today I will focus on getting myself to university and looking as good as I think I can look, sort everything I need to take and generally go with the flow.

Staying after class, I will be taking my laptop in to get some work done.  When I appear at home I do house work and get called Mum.  I love my home life but if I want to achieve more, there is no question but to crack on and do it.

I'm excited.

The course content looks amazing for this year.
Cells and systems
Research skills

I have yet to find a love within research but if I want to be Dr Usher I will need to.  Damn that looks good in text.  Dr Usher.

So for research we have an amazing tutor who is funny, energetic and passionate about his work. I have a good feeling things could not be better.

In a blog post very soon I will be writing about my possible studies in the future, looking at PhD and Masters degrees.

Meanwhile, I will post back here later for you guys and let you know how things went!

Wish me luck!

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