Wednesday, 18 November 2020

No sleep and then a presentation

Do I laugh or cry?

I'm unsure if this is a funny story to look back on or a tragic one.  Let's try and keep it light and bright.  Therefore, the information contained within here might well not be at all scienfic! For purposes of entertainment, there may be exaggeration.

So once again Mum was in casualty.  It seems she might have some sort of issue going on with her brain which is no great surprise to me.  Since losing Dad a year ago to a brain stem stroke, I kind of knew some of the signs.

All night long we were in casualty and I had no sleep.  At all.

We had the 9am presentation and I had conversed with my chilled out partner Trev.  We would go first.  I left mum in accident and emergency and said I would be back as quickly as i could. This was important. It was for an exam.  So off I went.  Putting on a little lipstick along the way too!  That was the best I could do.

Hoping for a good -pass, I was disappointed that we went to all that effort for a measly 63%. It was good enough, definitely one of the better results we had in the year but still.

Anyway, main thing is mum was ok when I got back. We got home later that day. Not much they can do for her...

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