Thursday, 18 February 2021

We have all had enough.

It's no exaggeration to say I feel university is stealing away my life.

What is the point in spending all this time working hard on something for nothing?

We get rubbish marks back, heck I even found out there are several people didn't pass last year and have to retake. Why are they making this all so hard for us to do well?

Science we have been brainwashed with isn't something that resonates with my soul. Like the set point theory.  If you gain weight, you programme your body then to always gain back that weight. You can never be slim long term again.  Hmm. This I do not believe. IF someone has that belief then sure, they will remain overweight forever. Yet you need to change, to do things differently.  I DO believe in diets and doing something dramatic to lose weight. Then maintain it by watching closely.
There are so many contradictories. They show us photos of one crisp, detailing how many calories this is extra we can eat each day and how much weight that adds up to over one year.  Then we are kind of told to just give up trying because of the set point.

Remember back in the 1970s/80s we were told to stop eating fat.  EAT LOW FAT. Everything was all about low fat.  Now of course we know all those low fat foods tasted so bad we were eating the fat replacement 'sugar' and hence have an epidemic of obesity and diabetes type 2.  Now we are encouraged to eat a mediterranean diet which is higher in 'good' fats as we call them. So the science was wrong. Proves it happens.

Yet woe betide me if I argue with the science. Or talk about faddy diets or the latest craze (some of them can be crazy, we all know that) - I could get struck off from the register.

So what am I thinking?

I was signing up to help people.  To encourage people to take control of their health. I sense none of this course is directing us there.  What is going on?  We have been told nothing about registration, we have touched not ONE piece of food.  No cooking talk, not really much food or ingredients talk, it's deeper than that. I chose the wrong course.  This course is for people wanting to be academics or working in a lab testing foods and products.  Or researchers.

Ok so I am happy to think about doing the research within the health issues I have known about and finding which diets are best suited to those.  For instance, Inflammatory bowel disease...I know I have helped myself here.  A different diet has definitely helped.

Those who I speak to in depth on this course all feel the same. None of us want to continue.  Yet there is SO much work to do.
I am at a place of wanting to get my health back on track, start getting things into place that I know will benefit my future career.  Feeling like I want to argue the system just makes me seem negative and obstructive.  It's not that, I promise you. I just am way too heart led to be that person. Loving people into success is my thing.  How the heck can I fit that into this degree?

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