It's been a while since i have felt such strong manifestations around certain things. I mean, not so long really but like.....maybe since 3 weeks. Those manifestations that come to fruition and make you shake your head in disbelief (even if, by now you should always trust the universe) and smile as wide as the cheshire cat. This happened to me today. All about 50 shades of Grey. So...what happened is this. We have an essay to write as a critical essay. In other words, what was written well, not so well and all other controversial topics around it. Being of the romance genre, I decided I wanted to ask the question to the academic if this could possibly be around the topic of 50 shades of Grey! * What made it so popular if it wasn't great literature? * How was the film adapted in order to make the story more convincing? * What arguments have been had around this publication? Happy, happy me, I saw a reply to my email of yesterday from the tutor. He used exclamation marks a plenty as he said, "I'm already excited to read this as the biggest publishing phenomenon since Harry Potter." The email went on full of valid points that mean little to me at the moment but no doubt will become clear as I begin to research. Excusing myself from my mothers attentions at the lunch table (I was on a short fuse with her) as I replied to this exciting email that made me grin from ear to ear and as I clicked SEND, the music in the restaurant clicked on to the next track. "Love me like you do." OMG seriously? This was the title track to 50 shades! You have seriously got to be kidding me?!!! Thank you, for this validation. I am on the right track with my career path, I can feel it with all of my being. Never has my author journey felt so juicy.
Returning from an open day at my choice of uni here in Kent, I can't help but feel very floaty. Grey buildings which looked a little ugly and industrial were ignored as I walked into the conference suite which had grass on the walls as artwork. It was beautiful. The place felt nice. The coffee smelt welcoming. The English literature stand saw me gaining a helpful email address for the postgraduate administration team. That'll be useful. I also have a name of a potential supervisor who already has my email sitting in his inbox. He teaches life writing, biography and memoir - perfect! Following this skippy trip to the heart of Kent, I returned to my local town to pop in and say Hi to my fellow ambassadors. This is the first day I have missed working an open day and it's sad but times move on.
During a conversation with one of the people who work in the recruitment department, I was invited to do some public speaking as an Alumni for the STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) recruitment days. With bells on! I'm there. This is a good day in relation to all these things. I'm always great at being an ambassador or being a good person to talk to yet....the actual work eludes me right now. Which is tricky. I need to crack on and start churning some more work out. Sooner rather than later. Is my personal life getting in the way? Should I possibly simply quit any other sort of life and become a workaholic once again?
On my Youtube channel we have been discussing the fact that I'm starting dating.
Well, yes, this seems irrelevant to blog writing about writing and my work in progress but you see it is actually very relevant indeed! Not only am I now opening myself up to experience matters of the heart once again but I am also opening up to sitting here in the library falling asleep at the keyboard!
My writing seems to have come to a slight standstill and I'm concerned. The MA at university has been good for so many reasons but also has stopped my creative flow as I am now having to think hard about what I am doing and I'm swaying away from my genre on multiple regular occasions. Should I just ignore the bits I don't feel like doing and crack on with the others?
Aiming for a good blog and Youtube audience is something which has always been on my radar and I could edit and write blogs all day, every day. As well as my stories of course. Perhaps taking things down the academic route is something which might be disrupting my flow. Even now, sitting here freewriting to you guys with the flying fingers over the keyboard, I feel happy. Tired, but happy.
The issue with dating and being a person who paints these pictures in her head of exactly what happened when (it's the writer in me I'm sure!) I find my head is in the clouds and studying seems to elude me. Today is no exception.
Trying to research settings and places within my MA is not really where I want to be right now. So do I quit for the day, go home, watch TV and doze with my dog and my daughter? Of course not, I have said this absolutely every day this week. Nothing has got done. It's all so slow to flow. Crazy.
My other issue is getting to the gym. I'm so motivated right now to work hard and get myself as strong as I can be. Another hospital letter dropped through the letter box, enlightening me to the fact that my Ankylosing Spondylitis is also now in my knees. So I really must put health as a number one without any doubt. Nothing else can come first.
Don't get me wrong, while last nights gentleman who has put those clouds over my head was extremely lovely, I'm now left here wondering if everything was ok or should I give up the entire thing and push on with my work. Guys mess with my head. But times when you just sit together chatting, loving, eating and drinking is so indulgent and precious and I totally love that. For me, it was escapism. Not only did I need it but it was completely consuming.
Goodness me. What is going on? Like, people are stopping me to tell me how awesome I am.
My writing is gathering momentum and I am publishing in the award winning uni mag now. I'm loving it quite frankly. Never did I imagine the dream might come into fruition.
Over the next few blog posts I will share what has been going on.
But for now, my new submission which has just been accepted is this one:
Letter to my future spouse.
What do you think you are doing?
Coming into my life and disrupting my
I mean, so much hurt from my past. Of
course the barriers are up.Who could
blame me?By now you will know the
stories, back to back.You might be
shocked to know I left some details out which I thought might be too painful
for you to hear.I even thought you
might not believe me.
Even before you came along, I refused to be
a man hater.Knowing that all the human
race is/was different.I can only guess
that now you are in my life (messing up my plans for a ‘cold heart for the rest
of my life’) I did actually manage to find someone more than half decent.Someone chivalrous, who treats me like a lady
at the right times, like his girl the other times. Causing silly eye twinkles
and grins that speak volumes.
Actually, I know half decent doesn’t go any
way towards describing you.If you are
now my guy (which you are, because you’re reading this) you will know my
standards are pretty high.
Sorry.Sorry about that.
Self-preservation I guess.
Snapping at you unnecessarily might be the
order of the day. That’s just me being afraid.Please let me blow that hot air out. Then let me say sorry – and please
accept my apology.Of course I’m
nervous of you.Gee whizz you stole my
icy heart.How did that even happen?
Remember I don’t need promises of forever
or that everything will be perfect.What
I need is you giving me perfect moments that I will lock away to remember when
I sit in that rocking chair and smile to myself.Your arms around me, making me feel that just
for that moment, I am the most important person in your world.Coffee dates and Sunday morning sofa
snuggles.Wine and firelight.Music and laughter.These are the plain and simple things that
make us smile.
We have a wonderful future of making
memories.I’ll take nothing for
granted.I’ll promise not to take you
for granted.My best memory of you so
far?That long text chat we had, you
remember the day?When I was so down and
filtering over the past hurts with sadness.Do you remember what you said?Thank
you for that memory babe. It’s etched into me as (likely) the most powerful sentence
a guy has ever said to me,
University might not have caused my mental health issues, but it brought them to the surface. It was a painful experience but now I know this was totally necessary to move forward. Here’s my story.
”These will help,” said the doctor who prescribed me anti-depressants. Who actually wants to hold out their hand and accept they have to take those? My inner soul sighed. Where had the old me gone?
Those days of ‘black cloud’ moments were becoming increasingly worrying. Trying to describe the feeling was crazy. It’s an empty void rather than total despair, although those moments had been flitting in and out too. Feeling thankful for my inner support network, I knew I wasn’t in overly terrible danger. Yet, this wasn’t something I could take for granted.
If the pills helped and saw me finish my degree, then why not give them a shot?
According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, the number of students who disclosed a mental health condition almost doubled between 2012 and 2015 to nearly 45,000.
How had I reached this point? So blue. Not in control of my crazy emotions. I was always the strong one. I had dealt with massive life challenges like single parenthood and breezed through it. So how was I struggling so much with the science I was hoping to learn? Why had it tipped me over the edge?
I reached out, but the help I asked for mostly fell into a vortex of nothingness.
Until the university got involved and put me forward for counselling. Oh goodness, did this bring up some crazy stuff! Not realising those thoughts I had always had were not normal, but in fact they were anxiety. Then we ended up knowing I was ‘ruminating’ – which was a word I had to Google. It’s a posh word for over-thinking.
Yes that is me. We ended up bringing up a lot of my childhood stuff and how I had been parented. Which is something I still struggle with but I know I can’t change what happened. Only how I now try to tackle it. They were wrong, my parents. They should have told me they loved me and are proud of me, and encouraged my dreams.
Things could have been worse.
Excited to finish my undergrad, I was super ready to step into a less stressful situation with my MA which was a total lifelong dream of becoming a full-time writer. Yet that very first day, familiar feelings came up. Shocked to the core I had to acknowledge the university had been nothing less than perfect and these feelings were totally mine to own.
So now it was about ‘learning to dance in the rain’, knowing there were going to be good times and bad times.
Riding this wave of life. Rollercoaster riding with white knuckles. When I’m up, I’m up. I need to soak those images creating the good memories into a photographic brain to store away and hopefully use as my rocking chair memories.
Knowing that without those down times, life would be flat and unrecognisable in the up times.
After a few years of down moments, I write with joy in saying today is an up day. I smile needlessly with a thought and a stomach flip and these are thoughts I will cherish.